Above are historical pictures of activities we have been involved in.
Ministries of our United Methodist Church
Worshipping God is central to who we are as Christians. We encourage all to serve others in accordance to the gifts God has provided each person. The invitation is extended to everyone to come and learn and serve with us.
Pigs on a Mission
Each man, woman and child is given a piggy bank. Four times each year the full piggy banks, decorated by the owners, are emptied. The funds are used to support a program or project usually outside of Ketchikan.
First City Homless Shelter
We host the Homeless Day Shelter from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each weekday.
Soup Kitchen
On the first Friday of each month we serve at the Salvation Army's Soup Kitchen.
The Lord's Table
Whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month we provide a meal at the Lord's Table.
Love, INC.
Along with housing the food pantry, we are active participants in the ministries of Love, INC.
Each spring we collect an offering called One Great Hour of Sharing. This pays for the administrative costs of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. 100% of any gift to an UMCOR project, such as the relief work in Haiti, will then go to that project with no overhead cost deducted.
Alaska Children's Services
ACS located in Anchorage is a vital ministry to children from broken homes. The United Methodists have a long history with this organization.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer we join other churches a conduct a Vacation Bible School for a week.